Winter in Moose Pass is Amazing!

Guided Snowshoe Tour in Moose Pass

Our 2.5-hour snowshoe adventure promises an unforgettable experience for winter travelers in Alaska. With the Chugach Mountains as your backdrop and a maximum of only 6 guests per group, you’ll create lasting memories, immerse yourself in local culture, and uncover the captivating history of Moose Pass.

A Special Winter Overnight to Remember

If spending a cozy night next to a crackling fire, while the snow falls on the spruce trees in the Alaskan forest, sounds like a dream to you, this trip is just what you're looking for! Whether you are well seasoned in the outdoors or never snowshoed or stayed in a yurt before, this 3 day, 2 night tour is one of the best ways to feel truly immersed in the winter wonderland of the Chugach Mountains here on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula.

Winter Wilderness Adventure - 3 Day Winter Snowshoe Tour & Cozy Yurt Getaway

From the very first time we welcomed guests to stay overnight in 'The Nellie' on Grant Lake, we realized that we just had to get people out here for longer stays. To snowshoe up through this calm, quiet Spruce forest, blanketed with deep white snow and then have a nice wood stove to cozy up to... it's almost indescribable.  Whether you are well seasoned in the outdoors or never snowshoed or stayed in a yurt before, this 3 day, 2 night tour is one of the best ways to feel truly immersed in the winter wonderland of the Chugach Mountains here on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula.